English PMR - Paper 1 Formats

[ You may skip this Part if you already know the procedures ]
First things first, there are 40 questions, total on Paper 1. It is a great necessity for you to answer all questions provided, within only 1 Hour. Each question are given 4 answer options, which are stated in A,B,C,D. You may choose only one answer for each question and answer it on the answer sheet provided. Just skip this part if you already know the procedures. Please be noted that you must take good care of the answer sheet and keep it clean and tidy. I would recommend you to use 2B pencils, along with exam grades erasers. There are some cases where candidates blackens their answer options with hard pressure on the pencil, until the answer sheet gets torned or you'll get yourself a messy hole on the paper. Other than ending up with an untidy answer sheet, the machine which checks your answers will reject your paper. We don't want that to happen would we?

Questions 1 - 10.

Basically, this part of the question is the easiest among all, so you really need to double check and keep your head on it. Concentrate and look for the best answer. As we all know, you shall be given information statements such as messages, letters, pie charts, tables, facts, notices and advertisements. You need to read the passage carefully, understand the question and answer. My advise to you is to read the information given twice, at least.

Questions 11 - 18.

This is where it gets increasingly difficult and more advanced. You shall be given a short text on any general topics with 8 blanks on it. You must read the text and chose the right answer to get it right. When you are not sure or say completely no idea in mind, read the text again and pick the most suitable words to match the passage. Once again, double check !

Questions 19 - 21, Questions 22 - 24.

This was my favourite part of the questions, right after Questions 1 - 10. On this part of the questions, you'll be given two short text of conversations between two or three people. In other words, dialogues. Within those dialogues, there are some words or phrases underlined, about 3 for questions 19 - 21 and also 3 for 22 - 24. You need to find out what are the actual meanings of the phrases chosen or underlined. Later on, choose your answer carefully after you make up your mind. Must I say it again? - Double check ! Carelessness is not an option.

Questions 25 - 28, Questions 29 - 34.

This will be the part of the examinations where you are needed to read a lot, thus understanding and able to interpret the text appropriately. There will be some text provided, which commonly will be any sorts of English essays such as stories, Formal and Informal letters, advertisements, travel brochure, reports, speech and much more.
For this part, I would recommend you to highlight the main points that you can identify or even just underlining the main points. You may produce short notes if you wish, but you might need to buy yourself sometime to make that possible. Understand the passage and chose the correct answer. Again, double check your answers, as you might some mistakes.

Questions 35 - 37, Questions 38 - 40.

I've received a lot of complaints and protests from students and friends, because most of them really don't like this part of the examinations, since they include poems and short stories from the Literature Components. I dislike it too, I know, I know. But I figured there are nothing else we can do to understand them unless we read.The literature text book is the answer to all, make sure you can identify what are the poems and short stories all about. This includes the themes, meanings of each stanzas,moral values and etc. Make sure you read twice before answering for better understanding. Done that, then choose your best answer. Triple check !

That would be all for Paper 1.


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